Our Ethos

When Swara was started, the idea was to create a change and bring a difference at the root level and then move uphill. We employ women tailors providing them creative freedom and independence with remunerations that are well above market prices. They train in all the latest industry standards and keep up with current and changing trends.

Caring for the environment and practising sustainability is something we incorporate in our day to day life at Swara.
The average global consumer is slowly waking up making little conscious changes to their fashion choices. Our small batch productions create less wastage and focus primarily on the concept of Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.
We use locally grown cotton for our fabrics and all our raw materials are sourced locally as well.

At Swara, we work round the clock to help educate people globally about the crafts we utilize and why sustainable fashion is a focus driven initiative for us.
Indigo & Hand block printing which is one of the pillars of the Indian fashion community is a traditional art being passed down through families through generations and rural women who are at the heart of our label are constantly evolving, educating and creating a conscious circle of sustainability.
We love to encourage people to make conscious decisions regarding their fashion choices from our small batch productions which lead to less wastage of fabric and resources.